Money and time pressures often create incentives
for “push-button” analysis:
“solutions” that are transparent, quick, and
cheap ...
but that don’t necessarily provide the right
answer to your specific problem.
statistical wizardry in the world is worth anything without solid analysis
behind it.
Where can you go for answers, not just numbers?
We can help.We're
WHO ARE WE? We combine the skills and know-how of market researchers, software consultants, statistical analysts, data miners, and other disciplines, in order to provide hard answers to vital marketing questions.
NOW Renaissance can help you develop and maintain an Online Research Panel
Online Research Tools -- Calculate sample size and sampling power in real time
Statistical Or Research Questions? GET ANSWERS AT HELP DESK
10 Reasons to Choose RENAISSANCE New BigTURFsm: TURF Analysis for larger problems New New DiffSegsm: Segmentation on MaxDiff results New RenSat+sm: Our expanded customer satisfaction modeling system
CENClussm Monte-Carlo cluster analysis for both "fuzzy" and discrete cluster solutions
PathFindersm Marketing Effectiveness and Forecasting Model -- Find Out What Works...and WHY!
DecisionMakersm Consumer Decision/Conjoint Model